Fairy Story Village Organic Farm B&B
Fairy Story Village Organic Farm B&B
Fairy Tales Village Farm B&B is close to the Luodong Nightmarket, the Plum Flower Lake, and the sites of the Yilan International Children’s Folklore & Folkgame Festival and Yilan Green Expo.


Fairy Tales Village Farm B&B is close to the Luodong Nightmarket, the Plum Flower Lake, and the sites of the Yilan International Children’s Folklore & Folkgame Festival and Yilan Green Expo. Come and stay with Fairy Tales Village to pick mulberries and be a “tree doctor” in March and April, harvest rice in early July, watch sun flowers from May to July, catch rhinoceros beetles in June, appreciate roselle blossoms between August and November, and pick oliver-shaped kumquats from December until the next year in February. We offer a combination of B&B and day trips. We help you try harvesting, drying and milling rice, or make edible mulberry or roselle enzymes, green onion cakes or vanilla cookies. You may even feed young fish, take pictures with fairy tale dwarfs, play a labyrinth game, learn the world of silkworms, catch fish, shrimps and oysters, or let gambusia mosquito fish eat away your dead feet skin. This travel package also includes a free organic fruit drink. Finally, don’t forget to try the farm’s signature organic seafood and meat hot pot and mulberry ramen.
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Organic Hotpot with mulberry noodle

By using Mulberry leave and pumpkin to produce the soup, mix with self-planted organic vegetable and fresh sea bass, it tasted healthy and low calories! Don’t forget to try the mulberry noodle, it taste sweet and yummy, really match with the organic hotpot!


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300 Meihua Rd, Guangxing Village,Dongshan Township,Yilan County